Lights, Cameras, Eric.
Since it can be a drag to read online, enjoy a video! Whether you're in for a book trailer, a reading or something completely different, tune in below.
The Official Book Trailer for Wrecks and Ruins
The Official Book Trailer for The Color of Jadeite
The Official Book Trailer for Setting the Family Free
The Official Book Trailer for Setting the Family Free
What should you search for next? We have a suggestion; allow us to google that for you.
What should you search for next? We have a suggestion; allow us to google that for you.
Eric’s biggest fans like his Facebook page! Watch this funny video and you’ll want to take some advice from his fans and like his page too!
Eric’s biggest fans like his Facebook page! Watch this funny video and you’ll want to take some advice from his fans and like his page too!
It's here: the teaser trailer for Womb: a novel in utero (coming Spring 2017 from Merge Publishing)!
It's here: the teaser trailer for Womb: a novel in utero (coming Spring 2017 from Merge Publishing)!
Take one minute to watch this important message from Dr. Hutchens. It could be important to your good health! Or, at the very least, it'll entertain you.
Take one minute to watch this important message from Dr. Hutchens. It could be important to your good health! Or, at the very least, it'll entertain you.
Video of Enoch Pratt’s Writers LIVE: Eric D. Goodman, Womb: a novel in utero
Video of question and answer session
Merge Publishing's Official Book Trailer for Womb: a novel in utero
Tracks: Book Trailer Two, compliments of Gary L. Wood at Woodworks Films. Making the original teaser even better with additional "text trains" and an added bonus at the end.
Tracks: Book Trailer Two, compliments of Gary L. Wood at Woodworks Films. Making the original teaser even better with additional "text trains" and an added bonus at the end.
Is Tracks: A Novel in Stories appropriate for children? This young reader from Australia thinks so! "Five stars, Mr. Author Man!" We'll take all five of them with thanks.
Tracks: Book "Teaser" Trailer One, compliments of Gary L. Wood at Woodworks Films. Nice, original, text-driven concept. If you have a minute, check it out.
Here's the 30-second promo to the interview Loyola College did with author Eric D. Goodman about writing, inspiration, and Tracks. Not quite a book trailer, it's an interview promo!
In this interview with Loyola College, Tracks author Eric D. Goodman talks about his writing, inspiration, and about Tracks. Watch all 10 minutes and you'll even learn what three people Eric wants to hop on the train with. (At least, his spontaneous answer when hit with the unexpected question.)
In this interview with Loyola College, Tracks author Eric D. Goodman talks about his writing, inspiration, and about Tracks. Watch all 10 minutes and you'll even learn what three people Eric wants to hop on the train with. (At least, his spontaneous answer when hit with the unexpected question.)
Show us Your Goose!
Show us Your Goose!
In November 2010, Tracks author Eric D. Goodman hosted acclaimed author Bathsheba Monk at the Lit & Art Reading Series for her premier reading from Nude Walker, her second book published by FSG. Novelist Tim O'Brien (The Things They Carried) said, "Bathsheba Monk is a writer I'll be talking about when I talk about brilliant new writers."
Bathsheba turned her first reading from Nude Walker into a video that plugs both her book and Tracks. Watch Bathsheba read from her work, discuss the Lit & Art event, and even offer a few words about Tracks (aka Train) below.
In November 2010, Tracks author Eric D. Goodman hosted acclaimed author Bathsheba Monk at the Lit & Art Reading Series for her premier reading from Nude Walker, her second book published by FSG. Novelist Tim O'Brien (The Things They Carried) said, "Bathsheba Monk is a writer I'll be talking about when I talk about brilliant new writers."
Bathsheba turned her first reading from Nude Walker into a video that plugs both her book and Tracks. Watch Bathsheba read from her work, discuss the Lit & Art event, and even offer a few words about Tracks (aka Train) below.
In this Interview for Loyola University's television station, Eric talks about Tracks, Flightless Goose, how he became interested in writing, and about writing in general.
In 2010, prior to the release of Flightless Goose, Eric was interviewed along with fellow authors Jeff Smith and Tim Egan as well as country music star Phil Vassar. Watch the entire program, or skip ahead about two thirds into the video for the Goose interview.
In 2010, prior to the release of Flightless Goose, Eric was interviewed along with fellow authors Jeff Smith and Tim Egan as well as country music star Phil Vassar. Watch the entire program, or skip ahead about two thirds into the video for the Goose interview.
Flightless Goose Goes to School
Flightless Goose Goes to School
This interview, featured on Digital Review, focuses primarily on Flightless Goose, the storybook for children. But it also touches on fiction writing, literary events, and Tracks, a novel in stories.